Wednesday, September 7, 2011

End of the Year Goals

Karen Ratto-Whooley posted about her goals for the rest of the year and asked what ours are.

My goals?

Personal crochet: I vowed to make a sweater this year (will likely be baby to be less daunting). Finish friend's wedding gift in time to give it as a 1st anniversary gift.

Professional crochet: Finish designs 2 and 3 that I sold at Chain Link (my first ones!). Complete mentor form to get a mentor. Pursue local teaching opportunities outside of my LYS. Get a website together.

Personal: Break habit of waking up and plopping down at my computer, only to stand up 1-3 hours later having nothing to show for it. Blog more (crochet and personal).

Actually, I should look back at earlier posts, because I likely claimed some goals for the year way back when.

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